
Calypso Hunt & Draw:
Partly oceanic M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

Arkadia Hunt & Draw:
Mostly temperate continental M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

Rocktropia Hunt & Draw:
Mostly arid continental M-Class Planet viewed against the background of nebula space.

violet main sequence star set inside golden-green laurels
The People's Front; now in Star Citizen
Hypercharged logo against night lightning.

PFEU Benefactors

How are PFEU Operations Possible?

The operations undertaken by the PFEU come at considerable cost and do not generate a revenue stream for the PFEU. Thus, it has been asked, on many occasions, how is it possible for the PFEU and what does the PFEU get out of this venture? First and foremost, it is necessary to understand that the PFEU is not an isolated solipsistic venture but is, instead, a system engaged in the implementation of initiatives which benefit all players by ultimately improving the Entropia Universe environment. This is achieved by stabilising vulnerable portions of the playerbase which, effectively, strengthens planetary economies little by little and, thereby, serves to enrich player experience on a much broader scale.

Ventures on such a grand scale are not without cost and, due to the complexities of real economies, cannot possibly be self-sufficient or self sustaining. For this reason, the PFEU depends upon, and is fuelled by, donations and contributions from players who are committed to the improvement of Entropia Universe's socio-economic environment. If this is something you want to be a part of, you can contact the PFEU to arrange a time when you can donate anything you like to the PFEU via a PFEU Operator. While it is important to be informed of our current donations policy, we are presently driving towards more transparency in our operations. The following tables are intended to serve both as a means of acknowledging our contributors as well as serving as a public document of PFEU donations and their eventual allocation.

Donations made to the PFEU on Calypso
, ISO: hours, UTC.
UTC.444 Time Contributor Contribution Trustee Operator            Allocation
2015.0905.2341 Frozen PED Mercurio Mercurio Hunts
2015.0905.2340 SCILOCK PED Mercurio Mercurio Hunts
2015.0412.1348 Entropia Estates PED Mercurio Mercurio Race 2
2015.0404.2118 Entropia Estates Spear Mercurio Mercurio Racing
2015.0404.2114 Entropia Estates Spear Mercurio Mercurio Racing
2015.0404.2019 Entropia Estates PED Mercurio Mercurio Race 1
2015.0404.1239 Entropia Estates PED Mercurio Simone Puny Bash
2015.0207.2143 mistress Rifle Mercurio Mercurio TBA
2015.0201.0622 Jealia Rifle Mercurio Mercurio TBA
2015.0201.0622 Jealia RPG Mercurio Mercurio TBA
2015.0110.2351 Snorlak Donation Mercurio Mercurio Fuel
2014.1009.0429 Tinker Pistol Mercurio Mercurio TBA
2014.0922.1025 SCILOCK FAP Mercurio Mercurio Giveaways
2014.0614.0410 Simone PED Mercurio Mercurio Hunt
2014.0511.0643 Simone PED Mercurio Mercurio Hunt
2013.1107.0309 Brykanst Ordinance Mercurio Mercurio Hunt

Donations made to the PFEU on Arkadia
, ISO: hours, UTC.
UTC.444 Time Contributor Contribution Operator Trustee            Allocation
2015.0918.2230 Gill PED Simone Simone TBA
2015.0917.0140 Dbug/PEDtoclick PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0911.2125 Sholle Von Cartiz Items Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0906.1511 Murkalael Weapon Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0905.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0831.2336 Michael Weapons Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0820.2145 Dbug/PEDtoclick PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0820.1030 rondo MAP Simone Simone Events
2015.0801.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0701.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0629.2300 Annonymous Prizes Simone Simone Prizes
2015.0615.0300 Jod Prizes Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0601.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0501.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0426.1630 Larry PED Simone Simone PED
2015.0426.1630 Larry Resources Simone Simone Fuel
2015.0412.2256 Antrace Resources Simone Simone Fuel
2015.0410.2038 Emma Weapons Simone Simone Give
2015.0331.1200 BIG PED Simone Simone Puny Bash
2015.0328.1135 Emma Weapons Simone Simone Ordinance
2015.0320.2315 Machn PED Simone Simone Misc
2015.0319.1633 Hipatia Supplies Simone Simone Misc
2015.0314.2227 Yuki Weapon Simone Simone Hunt
2015.0314.1356 Emma Pet Simone Simone Give-away
2015.0303.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Event
2015.0214.1523 rondo Weapon Simone Simone Hunt
2015.0213.2316 rondo MAP Simone Simone Hunt
2015.0201.1332 Gill FAP Simone Simone Hunt
2015.0201.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Aakas
2015.0101.0000 BIG PED Simone Simone Anniversary
2014.1221.0000 TingTang Ord. Simone Simone Hunt
2014.1028.0000 David FAP Simone Simone Infrastructure
2014.1024.0000 Rondo FAP Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.1013.0000 James Key Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.1007.0000 Rondo MAP Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.1007.0000 Rondo Map Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.0928.0000 Rondo Harness Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.0928.0000 Rondo Map Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.0927.0000 Bjorn BP Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.0925.0000 James Key Simone Simone Giveaway
2014.0923.0000 Erika Rifle Simone Simone Treas.Hunt
2014.0922.0000 rondo TT-Weap. Simone Simone Raffle
2014.0922.0000 rondo Ammo Simone Simone Raffle
2014.0921.0000 TingTang Ord. Simone Simone Hunt
2014.0917.0000 rondo BP Simone Simone Sweat Event
2014.0911.0000 rondo Map Simone Simone Sweat Event
2014.0906.0000 Anon. PED Simone Simone Sweat Event
2014.0905.0000 Jess Ord. Simone Simone Sweat Event
2014.0904.0000 Granny Weap. Simone Simone Sweat Event

Donations made to the PFEU on ROCKtropia
, ISO: hours, UTC.
UTC.444 Time Contributor Contribution Trustee Operator            Allocation
2015.1025.1028 Mach PED Alecksy Alecksy Race Prizes
2015.1025.1230 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio 2015k3
2015.1025.1230 GillG GUN Mercurio Mercurio TBA
2015.1011.1234 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio Main
2015.0920.1120 Doc Gray PED Mercurio Mercurio Main
2015.0726.1134 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts
2015.0531.1218 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts
2015.0419.1115 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts
2015.0315.1143 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts
2015.0301.1233 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts
2015.0215.1252 Mach PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts
2015.0124.1517 GillG Mask Mercurio Mercurio Giveaway
2015.0124.1517 GillG Amplifier Mercurio Mercurio Giveaway
2015.0124.1517 GillG Amplifier Mercurio Mercurio Giveaway
2014.1228.0216 GillG PED Mercurio Mercurio RT Hunts

This page was inaugurated ISO:2015-February-07 and it may take some time to extract data from logs and journals kept over the period covering the past 12-18 months or so - particularly where journal entries have been patchy. Please contact us with the details if you are aware of any omission from these tables.

In-game contact

The current PFEU Trustees are Gallia Catara Seven, Mercurio Thomaso Morat (Calypso/Rocktropia) and Simone Wauspaus Kelleners (Arkadia).